-Vaibhav Varkhedkar
As the fire burns the log;
Burn fire burn
Destroy the hate that grows over time.
Annihilate the sorrow the envelops our heart
Obliterate the agony the touches our soul
Crush the guilt that we feel in our gut
Eviscerate the evil that possesses our mind
Burn fire burn…
Flare up the love inside us to see good in others
Conflagrate the happiness that lights up our heart
Ignite the pleasure that comes with the promise of a brighter future
Spark our mind to perform benevolent acts
Fire up our passion to invent and discover
Burn fire burn….
Let our losses be converted to ash
Let our defeats turn into smoke
Let our failures be charred into unknown
Let our disappointments disappear into the wind
Let our shame combust into naught
Burn fire burn…….
Heat the shivering, the weak and the cold
Light up the darkness of ignorance and of the night
Cook the food to feed the hunger
Remove the decaying, the dead and into new
Wipe out the demons that ravage us all
The End
